Sun Monument “greeting to the sun”


Sun Monument "greeting to the sun" Partner: Alu König Stahl Modules: VSG 6/12/12 | 1.102 x 1.102 mm Architect: Nicola Basic semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Pictures: © Wille (1,2) © Eckart (3,4) © [...]

Campus TU Munich


Campus TU Munich LED PV Partner: Munich 2 State Construction office Modules: VSG ESG 10/12/12/12/12 with anti-slip coating in the front | 933x1.933mm semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Pictures: © ertex solar | Dieter [...]

Goldenes PV Dachl


Goldenes PV Dachl Partner: Energie Tirol | Municipality Innsbruck Modules: VSG TVG 6/6 | 1030 x 3250mm | golden cells Architect: Arch. DI Christian Höller semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Pictures: © Energie Tirol [...]

Kißlegg traffic commissariat


Kißlegg traffic commissariat Partner: Weber Stahl- und Metallbau Modules: VSG ESG 10/8 | 1.100 x 2.700 mm Transparency: ~ 21% Architect: Achim Birnbaum Architektur Fotografie semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power

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