Façade Tyrolean Insurance Company


Façade Tyrolean Insurance Company Partner: Unterfurtner Ges.m.b.H. Modules: ESG 4/5 full black with satinised front glass | var. sizes photovoltaic modules in full black total installed power pictures: ©Unterfurtner Ges.m.b.H.

Canopy Wustrow Glasservice


Canopy Wustrow Glasservice End customer: Glas Service Wustrow GmbH (www.glas-service-wustrow.de) Partner: Pauli + Sohn GmbH (www.pauli.de) Modules: VSG TVG 4/10/10 | 1200 x 2211 mm | with step | junction boxes at the front Transparency: 26 % semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power [...]

weisses Schlössli


weisses Schlössli Partner: Felix & Co. AG Modules: VSG ESG/TVG  6/6 | various sizes | with screenprint Architect: source pictures and architecture: arento.ch Construction Management: Stefan Caviezel GmbH construction management and architecture individual photovoltaic modules total installed power [...]

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