König der Lüfte - National park Rauris Partner: Schlosserei Jäger Modules: VSG 6/8 | 985 x 3.610 mm | with perforated cells Architect: Büro Dialer Architekten semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Pictures: © www.wolfgangthaler.at [...]
ELPO Carport Intercable
clinbacher2022-10-06T10:39:53+02:00ELPO Carport Intercable Modules: VSG TVG 8/8 | 1.467 x 2.833 mm Transparency: ~ 28% semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power
ISO-Façade Drees & Sommer
clinbacher2022-08-25T13:58:55+02:00ISO-Façade Drees & Sommer Partner: Schüco International KG Modules: VSG ESG Albarino S 6/6 | various sizes | marginal email VSG-ISO ESG 6/6 | 1324 x 3414 mm | screen print semi-transparent and insulating photovoltaic modules total installed power [...]
Elementary school Bad Radkersburg
clinbacher2022-10-06T10:52:30+02:00Elementary school Bad Radkersburg Partner: Solar-Neuper Modules: VSG TVG 5/5 | 680 x 1950 mm; 680 x 2618 mm; 460 x 1950 mm; 460 x 2618 mm 5 modules with special shapes Transparency: ~ 40% semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power [...]
Carport Family B.
clinbacher2022-08-25T13:01:30+02:00Carport Family B. Modules: VSG TVG 5/5 | various sizes semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Pictures: © ertex solar
Carport Elektro Göbl
clinbacher2022-10-06T10:56:08+02:00Carport Elektro Göbl Modules: VSG TVG 6/6 | 4320 x 925mm Transparency: ~ 20% semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power
Zotter Schokolade Entrance way
clinbacher2022-10-06T11:47:55+02:00Zotter Schokolade Entrance way "Green gallery" Modules: VSG 8/8 | various sizes, around 940x4265 mm | with perforated cells Architect: Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen-Gerrit Gärtner semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Pictures: © Zotter Schokolade Marcel Pail [...]
Carport Church Heilig Geist
clinbacher2022-10-06T11:51:01+02:00Carport Church Heilig Geist, Zürich Partner: Solarwall SA/AG Modules: VSG 10/10 | 1550 x 4070 mm & 1921 x 4070 mm | with perforated cells Transparency: ~ 40% semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power Picutres: © Solarwall [...]
Carport Family B. – Pholtec
clinbacher2022-08-25T13:01:04+02:00Carport Family B. - Pholtec Partner: Pholtec GmbH Modules: VSG TVG 6/6 | 956 x 5000mm semi-transparent photovoltaic modules total installed power
Arcadia Yachts
clinbacher2022-08-24T16:12:12+02:00Arcadia Yachts Modules: ISO VSG - various sizes Various yachts of the Arcadia fleet are equipped with our modules. The figures refer to the entire fleet, not to a single yacht. insulated photovoltaic modules total installed power [...]