balcony installation in Switzerland
Nowadays the use of photovoltaic panels is not limited to the usual rooftop system – even your balcony can function as an energy supplier. With the help of the different solutions from ertex solar everyone can choose solar panels which fit perfectly for their own home – whether semi-transparent, black or in color.
The balconies of this beautiful project in Switzerland were equipped with our semi-transparent photovoltaic modules. A total of 110 modules with a total output of 16 kWp have been installed!
… with Easy Engineering Magazine
Are you on the hunt for new reading material? Well, count yourself lucky, in August we were interviewed by the Easy Engineering Magazine.
During the interview we talk a bit about our current activities and about our current product portfolio. A big thank you to Easy Engineering for the interview!
https://easyengineering.eu/interview-with-ertex-solar/you can find the result here.